As your company grows, special challenges emerge.  Hiring a first employee.  Hiring a first subordinate manager.  Hiring the first manager who can do things you cannot.  Each of these is a wrenching experience.

Other things happen too.  At some point, you discover you cannot know everything.  You move from supervision to management, then from management to leadership. 

People become metrics.  How do you balance the fact that they are still people but you are no longer to know them?  There are some wonderful stories of betting the company.  It is better if they remain stories.  Sometimes, when you gamble you lose.  We like to stack the deck in your favor.

Strategic Business Services has dedicated subject professionals that are here to help you see a path in the forest.  We help to reduce the uncertainty. 

Measuring change in an organization is important.  We help you do that.  Monitoring threatening technology is another.  We do that too.  Watching your marketplace is what our Market Monitor Service is all about.  We offer a separate set of very specialized eyes to keep you ahead of what is visible.

Our Growth Management Service is a secret jewel that steadily increases in value over time.